A storied brand with some of the most recognizable and sought-after bag designs like Chanel may always be met with a bit of resistance when a new shape is introduced. I still remember when the boy Chanel came out, many were unsure of the bag. The Chanel 19 was also met with trepidation as well, even from me and now I love the bag. So when Chanel announced the Chanel 22, I knew there’d be a lot of thoughts, both positive and negative.
Chanel’s got a brand new (Big) Bag
The Chanel 22 is unlike any other bag in the lineup. In fact, it’s the opposite, with a far more casual, unstructured sac-like drawstring shape in different sizes. There are classic house elements that denote this as a Chanel bag, like the leather and chain strap. The bag was first introduced for the Spring/Summer 2022 RTW show, and the name of the bag refers to both the year of its creation and ties back to when the N˚22 was launched in 1922.
The best way for us to share a new bag with you is to see it in person and examine it ourselves, so here is the new Chanel 22 bag. While still supple, the leather is quite sturdy (far different from the more sensitive lambskin Chanel is known for), which will allow the bag more usability before showing wear. There are three sizes, small, medium, and large, and a backpack version will be available as well.
Freedom of movement and Spirit
The idea behind this bag is freedom of movement and spirit, which was quite important to Gabrielle Chanel’s desire when she launched her eponymous brand. This bag is inherently casual, a toss everything in, throw over your shoulder and go, type of bag. though the shape and style remain vastly different from other Chanel bags, codes of the House, including quilted leather and a metal chain strap interlaced with leather complete this bag and make it very Chanel. Plus, there is the Chanel signature logo, composed of gold or tonal lacquered metal letters too.
You can still opt for a more classic Chanel design, one that is quickly recognizable in shape and style, but this bag brings a younger and refreshed newness that is nice to see from the brand. The leather was a little stiffer than I’d like on the bags we saw, but with wear, it should break in nicely. This bag fits right in with the more casual movement we continue to see, easy outfits that are practical, comfortable, and quick to wear. The large is $5,800, the medium is $5,300, and the small is $5,100.
Discover the Chanel 22 at Chanel.com!