When it pertains to Sharon Osbourne’s handbag preferences, it’s Chanel and only Chanel, nearly exclusively. She does carry other brands from time to time, but as of late, she seems to favor black Chanel bags of every shape and size. Here’s Sharon leaving her hotel in Tribeca in the bitter nyc cold with a stunning Chanel Alligator Satchel. (We’re not 100% certain that this is alligator and not croc, but considering that Chanel normally seems to like gator to croc for a lot of of its bags, it seems a safe bet.)
Last we saw Sharon, she was wrangling a startlingly massive, black Chanel Flap Bag. For a excursion of some of the most glamorous of luxury handbags, you can check out “The lots of Bags of Sharon Osbourne.” It is absolutely Chanel-tastic, but there are other high-end brands on display. I won’t tell you which, but you can probably guess. Spoiler alert: Sharon doesn’t really trifle with anything that costs less than $5K.