Hi everyone,
I’ve got this email regarding one more Instagram scam for replica bags as well as am publishing it to provide everybody a headsup to prevent this seller if they run into them on the social network platform. obviously they have already scammed a great deal of people out of their money which is disgusting, so please checked out below as well as keep in mind to be extremely vigilant when you area a seller on social network since those locations are hot areas for scammers! This is the material of the original email:
Hi handbag Queen,
Please publish this on the blog to warm other from being scammed out of a great deal of money. I have gathered a number of people that have. Been scammed by this seller on IG the goes by
Email fashionprincess688@gmail.com or vintagemood87@gmail.com
Also IG sites@queen_storebags, @cindy_storebags as well as most just recently @Istambulpremiumbags. The name has altered a number of time this week.
Please publish the connected on your blog to warn people so they can prevent from being taken by this scammer. I have a number of people that have been scammed out of a great deal of money. She likewise has YouTube videos declaring to have the very best replica from Turkey. Everyone that she stolen from has commented on those videos as well as she has deleted all comments.. likewise soon after she got my money on Jan 24 she has blocked me from Instagram as well as is not responding to any type of messages. I have reached out to other followers as well as they the exact same has occurred to them.. Please assist as well as publish these on your blog
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